Dylan has been teething the last while, so he's been a bit grumpy. Sleeping like an angel now ,which gives me the chance to catch up. We went to Lukang last weekend and for Dylan the history, the people and everything that makes lukang, faded into the background..all he saw were the bubbles!! A group of children were blowing bubbles and this was definitely his highlight. That and of course the teletubbies that we found. He is addicted to the teletubbies at the moment. I am including a pic of his preferred seating while watching the teletubbies!
It was our anniversary yesterday and so we went for a meal, and then into the arcade at Tiger City. Dylan is a real little boy...straight tot he games...had to sit on every bike, car adn jet ski machine there. The best was Ciro shoeing him how to change gears on the one machine...after that only car games that had gears were good enough. Pics will follow.
On Sunday Ciro had a school field trip to plan, so off we went to the science museum with Dylan, we have not been with him fo a long while. He was so excited and from the moment he saw the large dinosaur he was shouting "goh" (dog in chinese). He then proceeded to growl at the dinosaur. It was very difficult to get him to move on to the other section, but when he did he had not forgotten the dinosaur noise. He ran through the entire exhibit growling at people!! He had loads of fun and was exhausted by the end of it... who wouldn't be at the pace he was moving. Just tried to upload some pics...didn't work, so will post them up tomorrow. We had a great morning this morning, Isabel, Adriaan, Sandy and Ivo came round and we went swimming with the little guys which was great for many reasons...swimming and playing with everyone is always fun and when one is teething and very cranky it is nice to have someone to play with!!!Unfortunately no pics of that...three little tods at the pool...a very busy time!!
It has been a while. Getting back into the swing of the new semester i guess!! Dylan is teething and once again he is doing it two at a time. He is getting the bottom two molars and at first i did not see that there were two, but they both peeked through yesterday. Thank goodness for the teething meds from SA, have kept me sane. He does love playing in water to take his mind off of everything, of course that means mom must get soaking too. We have been going to the gym quiet a lot and he knows when we are heading there he gets to see his buddy Ivo, so when i turn into the parking at the gym he starts "ohhh" ing. Aside from these cute noises he is expanding his "vocab"-lion growls are the latest as well as a little actual english and chinese "shoes " in english and "wo de (mine)" in chinese.
We went for a walk to the park the other day and everybody we passed got the "Dylan royal wave". Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that people are always greeting him. He has always reciprocated, but now he is inititaing these exchanges. Needless to say a walk to the park can take us all morning with my little social butterfly.
Dylan is 18 months old today. We went to the gym this morning. Instead of working out though Sandy and I stayed with the little guys, a lot of kids in the play area...too many!! Had a pretty relaxing half-birthday otherwise... just went to lunch and Dylan was so exhausted after his exciting morning that he passed out for most of the afternoon. It is hard to believe that he is already 18 months old, find myself remembering the day he was born a lot today...seems like yesterday and a lifetime ago all at the same time!
Here is Dylan with Ivo having a juice break from running around and later he was very proud of the tower he built.
Right finally a moment to write about the school trip. We left on the Monday morning and headed straight to a spa and pool area in the mountains close to Kaoshung. The trip was fine and we had armed Dylan's bottel with ginger (good for motion sickness). He made it almost to the end when the winding mountain roads got too much and we were grabbing for the plastc bags. Once we were there and for the rest of the trip he was fine though. There was a really great pool for us to lounge around and then we could go river rafting...needless to say Dylan and I stayed at the pool and Ciro went on the river for a 2.5 hour session which he thoroughly enjoyed. At the pool Dylan did his favorite things..eat...swim...eat...swim! We met up with the others and drove to the largest Taoist temple in Taiwan, close to Tainan. We were spending the night in the visitors centre, which was really well set up and in the morning we ralised how beautiful the gardens were. After breakfasst we headed to anestuary /marshland area where we took a boat to the river mouth. We could play on the beach for a bit and look for crabs etc.. as it is the Taiwan strait though it is not a beautiful beach...the sand is quiet dirty...still there was no stopping Dylan, he had a ball in the sand and puddles. After we found a tap to rinse him off under, we headed back and after lunch we visited the salt museum. The museum itself is set up really well and tells the story of the ijnportance of salt in taiwanesw socieety 100 years ago until today. Although the salt is no longer mined there, there is a mountain of salt you can climb up and Dylan insisted on going up, prcactically climbed all the way holding my hand...had to carry him down of course. Then it was time to head home. It really went well and he had a great time playing with the other kids on the trip.