Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, September 30, 2013

Weekend fun

We had a lot of tun outside this weekend. Andre came over to play on Saturday and then the kids got together with Adriaan and Albert and their visiting friend from SA to have a rematch of last weekend’s touch rugby match :) Maya and Albert left the match early to construct a teepee!! It was also our twelfth wedding anniversary!!!! What a great weekend :)

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Maya the climber

Maya went to the park with her class this past week. She has wanted to climb up a pole like this for ages and got it right. Keshnee took pics and sent them to me :)


I am blogging this from my phone as we still don’t have a line in the house. We had a four day weekend for moon festival and i will put pics up of that later. Here is just some of what we have been up to this month...
Rice field walks, cooking, baking and planting :)

Sunday, September 08, 2013

In the new place

Pics from the first week. Yesterday we went for a long walk around the area. Lovely!!! Will post more pics when everything unpacked and in place :)

The move

We moved out of our apartment and into a house on September first. It is similar to the house we had in Changhua. Four stories up. The bottom floor is open plan with a lovely kitchen. Second floor school/play room and spare room. Third floor two bedrooms. Fourth floor Ciro’s studio and roof garden area. The area is lovely. More in the countryside. There are rice fields everywhere. The little community has an area where the kids run around and ride bicycles outside. The first day there they were so excited to be out on scooters and bikes.