We have been outdoors a lot lately...the weather has been great! Up at Metropolitan park there is a great play area with a sandy area which my two LOVE!! We hired bicycles up there and rode around..great place!!
Maya covering the bench in sand!!! First ride we went on...enjoyed it so much..got them helmets...went again but no pics...Maya was not as happy with the helmet on her head:( now that she is used to it after playing around the house..will be better next time we hope:)
Peek a boo.
Early morning with Daddy. In the Science museum. Making leaves float down the stream...
Maya loves the water...she spent ages throwing leaves and was very upset when it was time to go! The cool face:) Our tree-hugger!
It is June already... lots going on. Maya growing and talking .."bath" "mei mei" (little sister) to her little friend at school..."bottle" "daddy" "mama" "um" (for eat) "shoes" "dl-ylan":)) "brother" "up" "down" and she loves the little Einstein songs...she has this elaborate "pat, pat routine" and if she wants to watch that she does her "pat, pat" routine and walks around with all the remote controls ..pointing them at the TV.
Dylan has been enjoying all the outdoor stuff we have been doing...pics to follow. He is also enjoying his sister..picked her up the other day..likes to pull her down (fairly gently..with mommy as back up)and tickle her...she does the same back. Today i saw her walking around with her shoes...next minute Dylan was helping her put them on...a conspiracy to go out:) Some more sibling cuteness. Maya pulled the packet of cracker bread out, she wanted some..so i gave her a piece..she kept saying "um and pointing to the bag so i gave her another piece. Next thing off she goes and i hear her in the playroom saying "um" "um" ..she was giving it to Dylan..very cute. Of course there are also the rivalry moments and neither likes it when the other is upset and if tears are involved we end up with both in tears...not fun!! Maya and her mango juice..look at the little curl at the back:)) Playing with their bike helmets!! D's new sunglasses!
Maya put her brother's shoes on (backwards) and thought she was ready to go out! Feeding the cows at Dong Hai. Dylan was nervous at first but then relaxed a bit ...started enjoying them. Maya wanted nothing to do with them!
Maya was getting the "so cute, please can we take a picture" but actually before they even asked she was smiling at them and turned around...backed up into the lady's leg...like...ok...so are you going to take my picture..so funny!! Outside the 'new' Music department building at Dong Hai.
Maya's big grin!! Poured water over herself..trying to change her on the run....as she does her little Einstein "pat pat" Okay...water bottle again...thankfully closed..do we have another shirt? By the way she can open these bottles and drink from them....it is only when she is finished she thinks it fun to play!!!