Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, September 14, 2009

Maya's wheels

First some background. Maya loves doing everything her brother does. She does realize though that some things are his bicycle. When we take him out for a ride she runs along side and is very happy and excited. So we decided to get her a "push trike" or whatever they are called:)) She was very excited about this..we put her on the bike in the shop..thankfully we had pretty much already decided on that would not have been easy to get her off...she sat very quietly holding on tight..i think waiting to be told she has to get off and then put up a fight..when that did not happen...she kept holding on and the smile grew broader:)) Dylan is pretty happy to have a biking partner below. All else great just don't seem to find the time to blog:(

Happy with her bike ..oh yeah..that's soup not sweat:))

Of course she cannot actually pedal she gets pushed but she sees Dylan move and tries to reach her pedals:) He in turn decided to try and ride his bike and pull her along...

He then decided it will be easier if he gets off...

and pushes her...

which she loves!!

We do not make a habit of riding bikes in the house:) but she was so excited we let it slide....for that day... oh yeah and somehow when we were outdoors later...i didn't get any good ones...more this weekend i hope.