Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, June 27, 2011

Maya in the frog dance from Heather Correia on Vimeo.

A student helped me video so at times Maya is off camera to the left..will try get another version of the video:)

Where did June go?

June has been a hectic month. Kids moved schools and are now both at our school. I have had a crazy schedule for the month which has in turn affected the whole fam's schedule as i have had to work mornings so some days have been 11 hour work days!!! I was squashing my curriculum as a bunch of my students will be going on a camp overseas and so we had to finish their semester a month does mean that i have less classes in July though and shorter days! Mid month we decided that we needed a breakaway at the sea so we headed down to Kenting for a break!! So nice , sun, sea and sand always rejuvenates!
Here are some pics from the month:

I am usually behind the camera but Maya took this shot:)

The two little monkeys hijacked the foot spa.

Maya at the Science museum.

There was an exhibit about sleep...thought it was funny some people took things literally and stopped in for a nap.

Dylan in the grounds of Hui wen school. The school is open for people to go and exercise, run around in.

From our room in Kenting.

Maya loves the clams they make there.

Family shot on the balcony.

The kids love the pool at the really is the perfects depth for them.

Dylan edging Ciro under the dunking bucket..with a board to protect himself....

..and the dunk.

It was Plato's graduation this weekend and Maya joined in as a frog. Dylan had practiced to take part too but backed out when he saw the costumes and instead danced it off stage.

Big news...June 21st Dylan lost his first tooth!!!! It has been wiggling for ages and finally he pulled it out himself. He has not wanted me to take a picture of it so i finally sneaked this one:)