Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Sunflower farm part 3

We got back from the beach and went to harvest some cabbages. There was a sudden thunder storm which sent us back under cover for 5 minutes (literally) quite fortuitous actually as the man was going to let them cut the cabbages themselves...eeekkk. 
We then went to the actual sunflowers...ate some seeds, picked some flowers and then lots of pics:)

Then it was time to collect our treasures:) We had to get the buses back to pick up the elementary kids so we quickly colleced all the food and off we went. a long day but loads of fun!!!

Sunflower farm part 2

While the food was cooking we went to the nearby beach. Not a swimming beach and i must be honest the beaches along the west coast are often very polluted (in the taiwan strait) but this one was not too bad and the kids had so much fun splashing.
We stopped right under the huge windmills.

The photographers:)

The guide doing his everybody lean right..then left...than back...then forward routine:)

Maya does a jumping pic so well.

Put Dylan and Maya on a beach and it will not be long before they are heading for the water. Very soon the other kids were following, in fact one little guy just went running in shoes and all. For some of the kids it was their first time to see the ocean even though it is only 40mins away.


Sunflower farm part 1

Last Tuesday we went on a field trip with the school. The place was a sunflower farm and we made a traditional oven, wrapped some veg, eggs and chicken and cooked them in it ...bashed it down and retrieved the 'treasure'. Be warned these posts are picture heavy..i got the pics that all the other teacher's took too and it was difficult to choose what to put up:)
The picture map of the day's activities...

We built the ovens.



Then it was time to wrap the food in paper before soaking it and putting it in the ovens.

Shaking the marinated chicken.


The eggs were wrapped in paper and then wrapped in a clay mud before being put in the ovens...the mud is something that freaks a lot of the kids out. Of course Dylan was so happy to be playing in the mud.


Then it is time for the big clean up.