Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, May 07, 2012

May odds and ends

It has heated up a lot over the last few weeks but we have also had a lot of rain so we take advantage of the outdoors when we can. Some pics of the kids playing downstairs...

 Dylan is going to graduate with the AK class..i went along when they took the pics. They are doing the pics early so many more pics to follow in June when i get the album. 

 Yesterday we went to the park to blow bubbles....our two love playing with bubbles and as you can see in the pic...we had quite a crowd build up...Ciro and i were huffing and puffing as a whole bunch of kids were running around popping them.

E-da world

 On Saturday we went with Andre and his family to E-da world in Kaoshiung.It is an amusement park, shopping mall and basically becoming a small town (we stayed in the amusement park much to do there)

Maya was devastated when told she couldn't go on the first ride (it was a 4D experience..looking at taiwan as you fly over the island in a  paraglider. There was a height restriction.
Tears turned to happiness when she realised there were plenty of other rides to go on.


 With Andre on the bus ride while Dylan was on the jumping castles.

 Dylan on the mini swinging boat with Dad.
The magic bikes.
Kids driving with parents in the back:)

 Maya and Dylan on the car ride. It bounced up and down a little and Maya was quite nervous, leaning more and more into her brother as the ride went on:)


It was a super fun day!!!