Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, March 04, 2013

Dylan's birthday part 1

Dylan's birthday was on Sunday so it was nice to have a full day celebration. He got a scooter and helmet etc...he has loved Maya's ever since she got one for Christmas so now he has his own. He also got a lego spinner from Maya (she was adamant that she had to pick something out for him from her...he did get her a pressie on her birthday. 

 We went to Chilies for lunch (Dylan's choice) They came and sang to him which he was excited and shy about at the same time :)

 It has been warmer lately but this weekend the weather turned cold again. Didn't stop us getting out with the scooters. 

 We are having his official cake at school tomorrow but couldn't not have one on the day so i made a pre-cake. Of course it had to be Batman :)

Tired out after a long day.

Fun at Metropolitan park

We went up to Metropolitan park again on the public holiday and had a great day.