Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, June 02, 2013

End of May and June 1st the pool opened!!!

Last week going to ballet Maya rode her scooter down to the car..high speed, action girl (as she refers to herself when in scooter gear) dressed in ballet tutu :)

 While waiting for Maya at ballet we found this guy playing basketball and he invited Dylan to play :)

 The swimming pool opened and in the nick of time. It is boiling hot here at the moment!!! Maya has been practicing all winter in the bathtub to be able to hold her breath under water...first day in the pool all the practicing paid off...will try post video tomorrow!


We have been mulling over the idea of getting another kitten. We wanted it to be a kitten in we have been keeping our eyes open and last Sunday we were out for lunch and across the street the animal welfare society had a group of animals up for adoption...and there we saw her...our Totoro!! We were in love..all of us. Naussica was not too excited about the idea but I read up about how to introduce a new one and we have been making sure to spread the love around and after about 4 days the growling and spitting (although always retreating not attacking) stopped and she was interested. Now they are even playing a bit together. Totoro is only 4 weeks old!

 Dirty nose after food!!