Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Maya turns 6

It has been a busy week. Planning goodies for Maya's birthday and we are off to London on Friday..lots to do! Maya celebrated her birthday at school with classmates. Ciro made an amazing Pinkie Pie pony cake which everyone loved! In the morning I was going to top some cupcakes with the left over fondant. Dylan insisted that we ice the cupcakes in the colour of the ponies and use fondant to make their cutie marks.(The jargon may be confusing unless you are a true Pony fan)


On Saturday morning she got to open her presents and then we went off to ballet (she had a bit if a cough so did not dance but handed over goodie bags) Then off to have a treat at Starbucks and a drawing session with daddy :) She loves drawing and always has a notepad and pencil with her.

 Ciro found batman shirts for Dylan and himself...Dylan so excited:)

We went to Chillies for Lunch and after the mean the waiters came and sang for Maya and gave her cake :) Super happy!! After lunch we went to play at the Sega arcade and she won two soft toys. Such excitement!!

She also got to speak to all her grandparents on Skype and her Uncle Ian and family, so a busy, full day with lots of fun and love.