Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

First day of school

Dylan and Maya got accepted to Kingsham primary school. We were all nervous for the first day but it went so well. They both had a good first day and Dylan walked out today saying "I like school"
Maya qualifies for free lunch as she is in the lower grades and is thoroughly enjoying it. 

UK first month

It has been a busy time getting ourselves settled her in the UK. We managed to get all the admin stuff done and also had some fun. My sister Grace and her boyfriend have kayaks. We went with them to West Witterings and Ciro had a go :)

 The Weald and downland museum is a large open air museum about twenty minutes away with old tudor buildings that have been relocated fromm various parts of the country. The kids love it there.

 Jennifer and her family came down from Stowmarket for the weekend. Was so lovely to see them and the kids got on really well.

 Maya looking at spiders through a magnifying glass.