Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Angel Maya in first school play

Maya was so excited that she was selected to be the Angel in the Christmas play. She actually had the only solo song of the show and did it so well. We were so proud of her. I will post the video link below too.

Tree dressing at Weald and downland

Continuing with the Christmas spirit we went to a medieval Christmas tree lighting at the Weald and Downland museum. the museum is fast becoming our favourite place to go. Everything there is historically accurate. the houses are all original buildings moved from other parts of the country and they offer all kinds of courses to learn archery, knitting (old style) etc etc etc.... At Christmas they have aChristmas market and then the tree lighting with Morris dancers etc... Fun Fun Fun

Birthday and Tree lighting

It has been a very festive season and I am playing photo catch up. on my birthday last November we went to Emsworth for a walk and a quiet lunch. It was a lovely day and just perfect spending it with the family quietly. It was my first birthday without my mom and that was extremely difficult. My amazing husband and two wonderful munchkins made it very special.

 The town tree lighting was wonderful and really started off the festive season for us. There was carol singing and then the tree was lit and fireworks followed.