Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Dylan 2 take two

We had a second try at celebrating Dylan's birthday yesterday with his two little friends...Ivo and Adriaan and of course Ivo's brother Burl was there too. We even managed to re-create the cake. Dylan was behaving as though he really got it that it was for him, he ran around shouting and screaming with excitement from the time Adriann got there. He actually had such a sweat going at one stage that a change of clothes was required.

The boys had fun and as the morning went on they played really nicely together and independently of each other. The only altercations involved the high chair. It is funny, when we go to Ivo's house Dylan insist on sitting in Ivo's high chair and this upsets Ivo (even though he doesn't use it much) so when Ivo saw Dylan's high chair he decided it was payback time (pic below) Memories like elephants these boys.

Dylan got really excited with the candles on the cake , but proceeded to put a cookie in his mouth instead of blowing them out.

Adriaan in the ball pool

"My high chair"

Dylan with his "Toy story" figures

1 comment:

theseeker said...

Cool post...:) I loved Gail's idea of changing high chairs...then perhaps Dylan will actually sit in his high chair more at meal times...heehee (devious heehee).