I was taking pics of the fish while Dylan was feeding them...weird effect!
Almost sunset at the lake up at Dong hai
Almost sunset at the lake up at Dong hai
Dylan has had a very good weekend, we went over to Ivo's house yesterday so Ciro could work on their pc and Ivo and Dylan played really well together. Dylan normally retaliates very quickly to the slightest touch or hug coming his way but yesterday he was very relaxed and enjoyed playing. He even tolerated ivo "washing" his hair for quiet a while. we have our suspicions that he -being the youngest- at the baby sitters has to fight off the bigger kids a lot and there is one really aggressive kid there that influences him, checking out some other options school wise for the summer time.
Three weeks today my mom arrives ..she has not flown long haul in 27 years so it is a big thing for her...excited and nervous for her.
Dylan checking out the black spiderman on Ivo's wall..."hmmm...i thought he was red"
The thinker!