Met Sandy and her boys at the play space at Carrefour the other day..the boys played really well together.They were moving at the speed of light though and whenever a camera got close , they were the pics are not too good... Our holiday is rapidly coming to an end...lots of packing still to be done this week..although we are making some headway!
We headed up to Taipei for a few days last week. Did the usual things we like to do there..visited the kids rec center , astronomical museum and this time we also got to the science museum..of course no trip to Taipei is complete without a visit to the bookstore!! We also managed to catch up with Peggy and Vincent. Our hotel was right across the street from a public pool...(unfortunately no pics...battery died on me and i am yet to replace the spare after it died in the washing machine)Dylan loved swimming, he even kept his cap on his head for most of the time (all pools in taiwan require the wearing of swimming caps at all times)Nice relaxing few home just before the typhoon...which did not make much of an appearance in of the island got hit pretty hard though.
Ciro riding the sky-bicycle at the science museum...crazy!!! Dylan loved the jumping castles in the 'wonderland' did Ciro :)
Pressing lots of buttons and heading off to space in the astonomical museum.
At the rec center...slides, merry-go-rounds etc...
In the park close to the hotel...strange concrete slide..
A bit of catching up to do. Pics are from 8/8 which is father's day in Taiwan (ba is 8 and baba is dad so therefore 8/8 day is father's day) Ivo, Burl and Sandy came round to play last week and the boys had a great time, played together nicely. Burl of course watched on with a smile.
A lot has happened the last while. We are going to move apartments. We found a daycare/school that Dylan can attend for afternoons only (difficult to find a place that agrees to that arangement) and they also take babies and have a trained nurse working there so...we are moving closer to the school and will drive to work (as opposed to walk round the corner). Found a nice apartment which is in a good area with parks nearby and the building has a pool (allthough as is the way here it will probably only be open a few months of the year, when it is really hot) till that is a bonus. So here we go...moving again...thankfully we still have one more week of so we can use it to get the packing on the go and then 1st September is D-Day. Typhoon busy hitting the island. So far nothing in Taichung..aparently this afternoon, nevertheless we are planning a housebound day! More about the Taipei trip later....
This yapping, jumping dog is a favourite.
Burl watches the boys from his mama's lap...itching to join in.
I have been very quiet lately because it has been a bit hectic round here. Dylan and i both came down with a cold and i am really stuggling to shake mine. Poor Ciro hashad two of us to take care of!!. Dylan is almost completely better,I am still coughing and spluttering but getting there... i hate summer colds!!! Had a check up at the docs on Tuesday and baby is well. We thought we might be able to get a prediction on whether it is boy or girl but looks like we will have to wait another 4 weeks. Dylan was very intrigued and Dr. Fu gave him his own picture of his sibling which he held onto for the rest of the evening. All else with pregnancy is going well...just really tired!!! Dylan is starting to talk more..he could select his words better of course:) The other night he shouted "don't" at Ciro and he definitely says "no" a lot. He said "hello" to granny on the phone the other day i am feeling a bit better about his speech. We have one more week of school and then two weeks holiday ..looking forward to it!! I will post some pics when i get the energy to download pics..for now here is a rare one of the three of us..