Some pics from the past week..been a bit busy! Maya got a bit of gastro last week and i think she is also teething so a little clingy. Maya is so cute and developing. She loves dancing and she sings "incy wincy spider" with d..her version is "" with her hands doing the actions. She wants to do whatever it is Dylan is doing ...he has realised that the dining room table is a "safe place" to play with things he does not want to share ..spent a lot of this mornnig there with his play doh. D has decided that with all this hot weather it is time to go swimming..of course the pool is not open for another month or two ...i don't think it matters how hot it gets..i reckon they will stick to that!!! anyway Dylan found his swimsuit in the drawer and wanted it on...after i dropped him from undressing to put it on..i turned around and saw he had it over his clothes....pic below:) Here is the boss...remote in hand:)) 10 kuai ride tiger city Beautiful Maya D pulling faces The swimsuit Too cute!! It was a rainy morning on Sunday...a legit excuse for the wellie boots:))
I mentioned in the previous post that I was sending a disposable camera to school to capture D's party there...that did not work out too well!! Very dark hardly visible pics..still looked like they had fun. Crazy week last week with the clutch cable breaking first. Got that sorted only to have it snap again..needed clutch plate replaced!
Dylan is really into Peter Pan at the moment. Loves the movie. He is also enjoying painting and of course his Play doh. He really loves singing lately....and he keeps recreating his birthday and singing the happy birthday song complete with pretend candles to blow out :))
Maya is starting to talk..she says "(b)ottle" "down" "daddy" "mama" "bird" "ball". She loves music, as soon as something starts she dances away. She is taking after her brother in the teletubbie fascination...she loves them and when Dylan plays the computer game she is enthralled.
Since late last week it has been rainy and a little chilly again. But Sunday morning was beautiful so we went to the art museum.
Big girl sitting at the table:)
Maya was fascinated by the bubbles..seemed to like walking into them head first:) Maya kept taking her hat Dylan is putting it back on for her. They are really so cute together. This evening in the car they were having a "conversation" holding hands and singing together when Ciro picked them up. Karen forwarded this to me ages ago and i keep meaning to post it. KuKu has an online are the pages Maya features on.
Had a great day was super so opted for some outdoor play..We bought Dylan these wellie boots a few weeks ago and he just loves them wants to wear them all the time...perfect for splashing in the stream at the museum parkway..of course Maya had to have a pair too.... Sylan has been eyeing this dentist play doh for a while so got it for his bday!! Very happy!! Had some cake this evening to celebrate....will be sending goodies to school on Tuesday...more pics then:)) very tired now:)
The dentist hard at work. Pretty Maya in a dress i know my gran would have just loved her in.
The pacman(from the xbox game:)) cake.
D is not fond of icing:) Enough with the pics already!!!