Dylan is really into Peter Pan at the moment. Loves the movie. He is also enjoying painting and of course his Play doh. He really loves singing lately....and he keeps recreating his birthday and singing the happy birthday song complete with pretend candles to blow out :))
Maya is starting to talk..she says "(b)ottle" "down" "daddy" "mama" "bird" "ball". She loves music, as soon as something starts she dances away. She is taking after her brother in the teletubbie fascination...she loves them and when Dylan plays the computer game she is enthralled.
Since late last week it has been rainy and a little chilly again. But Sunday morning was beautiful so we went to the art museum.
Big girl sitting at the table:)

Maya was fascinated by the bubbles..seemed to like walking into them head first:)

Maya kept taking her hat off..here Dylan is putting it back on for her. They are really so cute together. This evening in the car they were having a "conversation" holding hands and singing together when Ciro picked them up.

Karen forwarded this to me ages ago and i keep meaning to post it. KuKu has an online calendar...here are the pages Maya features on.

Love love love the wellies and big boy haircut!
Thanks Shel..yeah the wellies never leave the feet except (and reluctantly) indoors:))
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