Maya and Dylan have grown so much this holiday and they are actually enjoying each others company much so that if one is sleeping the other tries everything to get them awake. Maya wants to do everything that Dylan does and he gets very protective over her..even if she is in trouble for trying to put her finger in an electric point!!!!! He does not like it when she is in trouble. They have become real partners ..ganging up on their parents at times... e.g . Maya gets the swimsuits out and hands Dylan his saying "Wim" then he gets excited and they both start getting undressed!!!!!
Here are some pics of this and that:) Long sleeves do not indicate colder weather:)) still HOT here but indoors they have the AC set for polar bears.
In the Science museum..Dylan and his shadow..:) Maya.
I can fly...
Making cookies while Maya sleeps.
Dylan's cheesy grin!!!
And then a much better smile!
We went to see 'Up'..this is Maya's face when i told her to say hello to the characters..a "right mom..they're not real" look.
I can no longer drink anything alone:) I get this passion fruit pearl balls i get a small straw for Maya so she can't suck up the bigger stuff...
She realizes my straw is different and won't have any of that.:))
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