There was a Dinosaur "fair" at Wen xin park. Every time we drove past the kids went on and on about the dinos. We waited a week hoping that it would be less crowded and thankfully that paid off. Maya was nervous of the big blow up dinos and wanted nothing to do with the people in dino costumes. Once we were out though she was once again excited about the dinosaur balloons in the sky and insisted i "dino pi-ture mama" Dylan loved it all and was particularly enjoying the people in costumes.
As we walked in he tried to ride on one of them....thank goodness they never fell over:)) The toy exhibits e
I was shocked to see how long it has been since i put up a post...been a busy month. This is a picture heavy post...some eager grannies waiting for photos. Got a new camera and finally got round to downloading etc. All is going well. Dylan and Maya are growing so much and doing well...they are starting to work together on some things...i walked into the room and found two heads leaning over a pot plant that had fallen on the floor..due to someone pulling on a curtain too hard... "uh..oh "i heard as four hands tried to disperse the soil:))
Pics below from the science museum.
At our local can see by their clothes how weird the weather has, cold, warm...alternating days!! Crazy..i wanted to pack away our winter stuff but every time i contemplate it, it gets cold. Perhaps i should just listen to the Chinese grannies...wait until Dragon boat festival!! (June) s
Maya thinks every bicycle is for her to she is in action trying to make off with a bike!
We took a drive out to Daken a few weeks ago. There is a place where you can see some monkeys near one of the trails... Weather held up just long enough for us to do it. Kids loved it!!!
We discovered a little gem of a place not too far down the road with a starbucks..a great park and ...very important...a parking lot!!! Definitely becoming a Sunday afternoon venue! Maya was insisting that "Didi" slide down at the same time as her. Dylan's creations!
Maya LOVES vegetables...We usually get them each a lollipop at *bucks and if we get a vegetable cup for us all to snack on Maya will hand over her lollipop...polish off the veggies and then have her pop...
At our favourite park again...Dylan was helping Maya up the stairs and then she rushes to be the first one to slide down:)
Up at Metropolitan park...carrying rocks, playing with sticks and all that fun stuff...Maya on the other hand does not like grass and clung to Daddy.