There was a Dinosaur "fair" at Wen xin park. Every time we drove past the kids went on and on about the dinos. We waited a week hoping that it would be less crowded and thankfully that paid off. Maya was nervous of the big blow up dinos and wanted nothing to do with the people in dino costumes. Once we were out though she was once again excited about the dinosaur balloons in the sky and insisted i "dino pi-ture mama" Dylan loved it all and was particularly enjoying the people in costumes.
As we walked in he tried to ride on one of them....thank goodness they never fell over:)) The toy exhibits e
Hi Unfortunately it was a temporary exhibit at the Wenxin park in Taichung in April. They occasionally have things on there for kids so it is worth keeping a look out if you are in the area:))
Do you have an address for this place? I'm guessing Taichung. It looks like a good place to spend a Sunday afternoon with a youngster or two.
Unfortunately it was a temporary exhibit at the Wenxin park in Taichung in April. They occasionally have things on there for kids so it is worth keeping a look out if you are in the area:))
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