Pics are from the past few weeks..
Often if we are running late or just too tired to cook we get some "take out" from the vendor downstairs..they leave out all the things we do not eat etc and are pretty much our only take out place. The lady Maya calls"ai ee"(auntie) always plays with her so often Maya requests "buyricesoupdoganbble" as one word meaning buy rice, soup, dou gan (tofu) and vegetables. She often arrives back with a piece of fruit or something else "ai ee" has given her. On this particular day though she arrived back with two shirts. When Ciro took her down "ai ee" took her off to the shop that had just opened across the street. She was so happy with it she announced that her shirt was wet when she walked in the house (knowing i usually change it when it is wet) so C took her down for a a pic with "ai ee"

Making use of the nice weather we headed up to Metropolitan park..

Finding pods, stones....

....piles of dirt and ants...

and flowers for mommy.

Don't know where these two think they are going:)

Maya and a little friend at the park

Again at met park for a picnic..
Notice the kite and then the close up of the sign.

Maya was trying to catch kites with her frisbee..while the rest of us have a snack.

If you look carefully you can see a little ponytail:))

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