Maya in posing mode above and Dylan in posing mode below...moved backwards into her to pose with her but she was having none of it that day:)

On the way to the ranch at one of the rest stops we came across a real gem...fruit ice pops with nothing added. A lot of the ice pops here still have some sort of milk added which Dylan cannot have so we stay clear of them and NEVER buy ice cream out..they only have what i make at home...BUT these were pure fruit and super yummy.....they devoured them..Maya may look like she is frowning but it is the cold:)

At the ranch one of the guys made this flower for Maya.

And Dylan with his sword:)

Feeding the goats.

Highlight was the pony rides!!!


Another highlight was this old tractor...which the kids tried very hard to get working again:)

Dylan loves flowers and he especially loves picking them and giving them to me....we decided we should rather just look at this one and leave it here.

On our horse carriage ride....Just prior to this I had taken Maya to the bathroom and the soap dispenser instead of dispensing into her hands was at a weird angle and shot right into her eye!!! You can see her left eye was still a little red from the whole ordeal!!!

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