As you walk in they put parrots all over you ... a little too much for Maya...she liked the birds from a distance.

Dylan loved the snakes ...huge things , at one point the one nearly climbed out to say hello...hmm..i was standing a little bit further back :)

And of course NT$10 rides are everywhere....

Maya the keeper of the pots....

The kids loved their ride on this contraption..the guy was super nice to them and later took them each for a run on the diggers...great acrobatics on the diggers..never realised they could move in so many ways.

Dylan must have been on there for at least 5 minutes...

Maya loved it too..

Finally the much anticipated pony rides...

And this is the picture that tells a big story.. You can see the big black horse to the right..I had just stepped out of shot..the black horse came too close to the pony. The pony kicked back and kicked the horse. It reared up. As the pony kicked back..Maya flew off and landed on her stomach and face on one of the wood sleepers just out of shot (2 pics up you can see them). She was screaming and initially we were not sure if she had hit her head. In the end we took her to an ER and they checked her out...all okay...she walked away with a bit of skin off her lip and that was all...phew!! Gave us a scare but she is really brave and left very concerned about whether the horse got owie!!

The lip just after..

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