We went to the kids recreation center a few weeks ago...the kids love the place and they have converted one of the play room areas into a great little library/reading room.

In mom's headband

Outside the Science museum after another great time inside and some toy purchases.

Maya saw this skirt and had to have it..she then paired it with her ballet slippers (no she doesn't do ballet but she was given the shoes:) She loves to dance like the girls in "Despicable me"

We went to see Rango..Kids loved it although a little scary at times...Maya, "Rango scared me" and in the same breath "I Love Rango"

Last weekend we went to Flying Cow ranch..it was a perfect day to go, in part because i think most people thought it was not a good day to go:)) The weather was overcast and quite cool...hardly any people there...Beautiful place and the kids love the animals. Very proud of Maya..she got back on the horse..first time on a pony since the fall. She was a bit nervous and the lady suggested Dylan ride with her. She was fine for two rounds and on the third she had had enough but she got on!!

At the park..

Dylan's self portrait in mom's specs.

Maya the adventurer..all ready to go across on the bars..thankfully waited for daddy to give a hand.

As soon as Maya heard it was raining today she wanted her raincoat on....

At Starbucks this morning for coffee and pop pops.

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