Maya insisted she needed a stroller...big brother lent a hand

Dylan loved the flamingos

The three loves of my life:))

The water buffalo in the petting zoo took a liking to was across the paddock and he said "lai lai lai"" ("Come" in Chinese) it came walking over and then when Ciro scratched it on the back it moved around to make sure he got to where it was itchy. The buffalo looked most forlorn when we left and watched us for a while.My husband...the buffalo whisperer:)

Dylan loved the petting zoo part, took a liking to the pigs. Maya was not so sure about the zoo at this stage..a little nervous.

Inside the Panda enclosure with Panda in the background.

Dylan called Maya and myself onto the suspension bridge so he could bounce us.

This is the first time we have seen the Tiger so nicely..probably as there were no crowds of people he was out and about enjoying the quiet.

The Hippos were putting on quite a show:))

We went to 101 and this time we went up to the top. Ciro went up when the family was here but i was pregnant so did not go, neither did we all went up. Being that i am scared of heights I was super nervous but it ended up not being as bad as I thought it would be.

Happy with our purchases.

The outdoor viewing deck is on the 91st floor.

When people ask if they can take a pic with the kids I always let the kids decide. Maya always says yes, Dylan sometimes does but sometimes opts is Maya with the lady who helped us take the pic above.

Playing with the interactive map.

The view from the top.

The massive wind damper which basically holds the whole structure steady.

At the children's rec area..our favourite place in Taipei which was closed for a while but thanks tot he floral expo it seems to have got new life.

Inside the Science hall

At the playground

On the merry go round....just before the rainstorm!!!

At the astronomical museum which has upgraded a bit since we were last there. It is great to see that during the summer vacation all the museums etc are free for kids under 12 . A really great idea to encourage parents to take their kids to these places!

Getting ready for the space ride. At the children's rec science hall Maya was busy elsewhere when Dylan and i went on the ride and the woman gave him another turn when Maya went. Then on this space ride when it was coming to the end they informed Ciro that the pod had not been working correctly so he and D could go again. Dylan's lucky day for rides:))

Just after getting back from Taipei Dylan's second tooth was so loose, he let me pull it. The tooth fairy delivered the next morning.

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