Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

October fun

We went for lunch with Andre and his mom. Dylan LOVED the ipad:))
Digging in the toy bag

There is a steak restaurant nearby that we walked past that has this macabre sort of  display. A cow sitting to eat a comment.
It was the jazz festival this month and we managed to make it there both weekends. The location was slightly different situated in the cmp block on a grassy patch. The start of the first day was quite quiet in a sense of people but the group performing was good. On the second weekend we went to see a latin band perform They were really good and even managed to get people up dancing. Behind us i heard a young girl talking about asking us if they could take our picture but she never did ...too shy. I knew she had taken a few pictures new strategy this happens a lot here....ask them to send the pictures to me:)) When i initially asked she looked terrified. Perhaps starting the sentence with "Were you taking pictures of us? made her nervous:)))). She sent them to me and there were some nice shots.
Naussica has settled right in. She now sleeps with the kids or us...depending and when i start getting ready to go to bed she quickly follows along
We went to the science museum botanical garden...hadn't been there in a while. Always a fun time.

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