Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, December 03, 2011

Belated Birthday and stuff

 I have not had a chance to update for a whle. It was my birthday last month and we made a weekend of it. That included a quick day trip upto the zoo. Lots of fun and i was spoilt rotten:))
Some pics from the past month follow....
Maya posing in her new dress:)

 Naussica has fitted right in adn the kids love having a pet. She is pretty patient with them adn lets them carry her all over the place. In the absence of any mice in the house she has resorted to catching Mickey!!

 On our way and at birthday lunch.

At the science museum we were accosted by a group of students dressed in costumes. They were going around talking to people and asking them something. The kids wanted a picture with Stitch and when i asked they quickly (couldn't believe their luck) explianed they had to take a picture jumping in the air with Ciro and the kids joined in...the shot i took was too dark but you get the idea.

 At the zoo..Maya and her rabbit hat.

 Playing around at home:)
 Birthday cake:)

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