Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 08, 2012

It's a new year!!

 A new year. Lots going on, coming up to the end of the semester so very busy. Looking forward to the 20th when it is our Chinese New Year holiday. It has got quite cold over the last week or so but nice and sunny on the weekends so lots of outdoor goings on. Here are some pics from first days of 2012.

 I heard Maya chatting about her 'make up' bag and she knows she is not allowed to use it without i quickly went to see what she was up to....seems she got her brother to assist while I was cooking.

 Princess Maya:))

 At the Science museum (again)we love going there. Dylan in the jersey and hat i made him:)
Playing at the school across the street.

 Naussica has learnt that blankets are a good thing:))
 We went on a field trip with the school to the Earthquake museum..i'll get more pics from that up soon. Great fun!!
 Yesterday we were going to go to play at the school again but they were spraying for bugs so we went to the high school...found they have soccer nets. Loads of fun!

 Maya the little track runner went round two and a half times!!

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