Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 30, 2015

December 2014 catch up

I was shocked when I had a look the other day and realised how far behind I had gotten with my blog posting so here I am resurrecting it. I realise that I had not put photos up of Christmas etc so here they are.
Reindeer food that we bought from the school fair. It had glitter in it!!!!
 Choosing truffles for Father Christmas and then following Portuguese tradition we put shoes under the tree :) 
 And..there was a delivery!

 The reindeer were very messy though!

 Joe and Ciro duelling at the table.
 Lighting the pudding!

An after dinner walk along the canal..

 Boxing day. Pagham is a small village nearby and on boxing day they have a 'pram' race. Teams dress up and one member has to be pushed in a pram.They raise a lot of money for charity...remember it is a cold, cold morning!

 The kids got archaeology sets for Christmas. They are digging up relics.

 Knitting with great granny Sheila.
The two brothers.

 An after dinner with extended family.

 Weald and downland between Christmas and New Year.

The Princess parade. Maya, Grace and Joe joined in dressed as princesses. Joe won a prize and gave part of it to Maya. She was so excited.

A little out of order...Putting up the Christmas tree before Christmas. Our first real Christmas tree.

 At the theatre to see One hundred and one dalmatians. The first time the kids have been to the theatre.

 The canal was frozen when we went to feed the ducks!!

 At the theatre again to see a ballet,  the nutcracker!!! Beautiful

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