Two weeks have flown by and I have not posted anything. Time ran away from me.I took Dylan to the doctor to have his ears checked and physically all fine, the hearing test involved sedation so we decided against it for now. Since then though he is talking a lot more ..some recognisable words..."no, go, stop, shoes off " and repeating the names of some pictures (when he wants to)also some new word/sounds that we can't quiet understand yet. This past week he has had a cold, he had a fever on and off from Wednesday to Friday.Better now. Yesterday he was a bit better, we were planning to go out of town but instead went to movies to see "Meet the Robinsons" we have not been to movies for ages and were not sure how successful it would be. Dylan loved it he sat on his own chair the whole time, giggling and pointing at times.Yay!! He is also really looking forward to Shrek 3 coming out. The other day at the doctor's the preview was on and he was very excited and then yesterday we saw the preview again and spent about 30 minutes standing at the big billboard cutout. Needless to say he is a fan of the friendly ogre.
Last weekend we took a drive to Puli. We were thinking of going to Ching ching farm but didn't get that far because the guy was coming to pick up the van at 3 still we found a little herb farm on the way. We decided to take the mountainous route home and came across this temple(pics follow)There was a lady outside selling loquats, she gave us some to try on the way in and although very nice the box was huge so we never contemplated buying one. When we came out though she came running up to us to give us a box.."Please take this, i want to give it to you for free" so generous and sweet!

At a park we have been meaning to check out for ages. He loves the slide.

Dylan is eating so nicely when we go out. he like the "big boy" chair and feeding himself with his own two-handed style.

The bath plug needs replacing so Dylan has been taking a shower with Daddy. He loves it!! We may never be able to get him into the tub again!!

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