The weather has been very cloudy and rainy this weekend...tried not to let it stop us getting out and about. Thursday we went to Ching shui, a small town but i have been wanting to get out to the Seaport art center there, i read about it on the net ages ago so we finally made it out there and it was closed!! Still the grounds are pretty extensive and they had kids art displayed outside which Dylan enjoyed running around. We then went on to the harbour for lunch..yummy seafood goodies! No pics, we were about to take pics and then realised the store had a hammerhead cshark outside and the owner looked very suspicious...not sure on the legalities there. After all the running and 'sea' air Dylan passed out in the car. Friday we went to Metropolitan park for a bit to feed the ducks and have a picnic (i forgot to mention that our darling son decided that 6:30 was a good time to wake up on holidays so our days started early!!) Dylan loves running and he can run for ages, we actually have to stop him and force him to take a rest..he is like me goes very red in the face when exercising.
On the way to Ching shui we passed the graveyard. Tomb sweeping day so families were out tending to the graves of their ancestors.

Pics of Dylan at the Art center, he was teething like crazy so hand in his mouth most of the time...he is really having a tough time with these bottom teeth.

This little old house was across the street...

Below at the beginning of the run and...still running but getting tired and grumpy!! Just after this Ciro and I had to become the transport back to the car

Enough!!!! NO more pictures!!!

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