Tuesday we went to the hospital and saw our little girl..she apparently weighs around 496g at the moment according to the body measurements etc..and all is well, the scan was good enough to see her little face and she had her hand next to her head 'waving'. (Although the still pic was not so good)We have finalised her name: Maya Indigo Maureen Correia.
Dylan is still really enjoying school, when we drop him off he is so happy to see his teacher!! She says he now shares nicely with the others and takes part in the activities that they do..he especially likes dancing!He has been feeling very housebound...goes to the door puts his shoes on and says bye... luckily our new area is very convenient so we walked across to Mac D for coffee and to appease the constant 'bye...go!!'

Pics from The Feng Le sculpture park fairly close to our house... Dylan loves feeding fish.

We had lunch at TGI Friday's...Dylan loves that place !! (as you may have already noticed)

Unfortunately Ciro's birthday was a Monday...still had some time for cake and Dylan was trying very hard to help his Daddy blow out the candles!!
Just an amusing snap from the other day. In Taiwan you notice when people stop at traffic lights they try to find a bit of shade to wait under when on their scooters...even if it is just the shade of the traffic light pole...(yes i have been here too long and have been known to do this too) still this whole group on the pavement under the tree amused me. I have also seen cars hovering under the shade of a sign instead of moving forward...

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