Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Early mornings.

Another week has flown by. Pretty uneventful apart from being busy at school. Dylan has had a good week. We are seeing more and more progress with his speech, still slowly but we are getting there and he is communicating more verbally and non verbally. The best is that he has become so affectionate...all he wants are hugs and kisses. We went out to dinner on Friday and he was in his element. He loves being out. I have not been getting to the gym lately, so today Ciro and i made a "comeback" . Dylan also had a great time in the play area, they seem to have improved some things and there are loads of toys for the kids to play with. Sandy, Ivo and Burl came to play there too and the boys were pleased to see each other. Dylan i napping at the moment, not surprising since he was up at 5am the last two mornings!!!!it is weekend!!! I should probably have grabbed the chance and napped too!

Dylan and Ivo at Ivo's house last week.

Playing with Daddy at Friday's on Friday.

There is a supermarket war going on in our neighbourhood. A huge superstore just opened down the road and this has sent the local Geant (supermarket) on a heavy advertising buzz. I just missed photographing a bevy of motorcycles and vans leaving in convoy flying flags and banners advertising specials and this is a pic of the corner outside Geant.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Finally time!!

Two weeks have flown by and I have not posted anything. Time ran away from me.I took Dylan to the doctor to have his ears checked and physically all fine, the hearing test involved sedation so we decided against it for now. Since then though he is talking a lot more ..some recognisable words..."no, go, stop, shoes off " and repeating the names of some pictures (when he wants to)also some new word/sounds that we can't quiet understand yet. This past week he has had a cold, he had a fever on and off from Wednesday to Friday.Better now. Yesterday he was a bit better, we were planning to go out of town but instead went to movies to see "Meet the Robinsons" we have not been to movies for ages and were not sure how successful it would be. Dylan loved it he sat on his own chair the whole time, giggling and pointing at times.Yay!! He is also really looking forward to Shrek 3 coming out. The other day at the doctor's the preview was on and he was very excited and then yesterday we saw the preview again and spent about 30 minutes standing at the big billboard cutout. Needless to say he is a fan of the friendly ogre.

Last weekend we took a drive to Puli. We were thinking of going to Ching ching farm but didn't get that far because the guy was coming to pick up the van at 3 still we found a little herb farm on the way. We decided to take the mountainous route home and came across this temple(pics follow)There was a lady outside selling loquats, she gave us some to try on the way in and although very nice the box was huge so we never contemplated buying one. When we came out though she came running up to us to give us a box.."Please take this, i want to give it to you for free" so generous and sweet!

At a park we have been meaning to check out for ages. He loves the slide.

Dylan is eating so nicely when we go out. he like the "big boy" chair and feeding himself with his own two-handed style.

The bath plug needs replacing so Dylan has been taking a shower with Daddy. He loves it!! We may never be able to get him into the tub again!!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Easter Sunday

Happy Easter!! Ivo, Burl, Sandy and Ryan came over this morning for an egg hunt. Ivo was really into the looking for eggs bit; Dylan less so, once he got a chocolate that was all he was interested in. Managed to make some Hot cross buns (without the crosses...forgot to get ingredients). the boys had a good time and Dylan had a great nap afterwards (so luckily the sugar high didn't keep him awake!!) Tomorrow back to school after the break..:(

Busy boys...all three!

The two little egg hunters

Dylan has been sucking on most things he puts in his mouth (the teeth) adn the chocolate was no exception, as you can tell. The best was Ivo exclaiming "Dylan chocolate face" he ran after Dylan laughing and then got a closer look at the door.

Dylan pics

We sold our little van "Crabelinio" Dylan's last climb in her.

Dylan loves playing with this wooden giraffe(ciro and I bought at Mac mac falls in Mpumalanga on honeymoon), he carries it around the house and it must join us at the dinner table and sit at the computer etc... this face is mine!!

Bathtime, he is a real little fish..just like Daniel and Gabriel (his half brothers)actually!!

The 4 day break

The weather has been very cloudy and rainy this weekend...tried not to let it stop us getting out and about. Thursday we went to Ching shui, a small town but i have been wanting to get out to the Seaport art center there, i read about it on the net ages ago so we finally made it out there and it was closed!! Still the grounds are pretty extensive and they had kids art displayed outside which Dylan enjoyed running around. We then went on to the harbour for lunch..yummy seafood goodies! No pics, we were about to take pics and then realised the store had a hammerhead cshark outside and the owner looked very suspicious...not sure on the legalities there. After all the running and 'sea' air Dylan passed out in the car. Friday we went to Metropolitan park for a bit to feed the ducks and have a picnic (i forgot to mention that our darling son decided that 6:30 was a good time to wake up on holidays so our days started early!!) Dylan loves running and he can run for ages, we actually have to stop him and force him to take a rest..he is like me goes very red in the face when exercising.

On the way to Ching shui we passed the graveyard. Tomb sweeping day so families were out tending to the graves of their ancestors.

Pics of Dylan at the Art center, he was teething like crazy so hand in his mouth most of the time...he is really having a tough time with these bottom teeth.

This little old house was across the street...

Below at the beginning of the run and...still running but getting tired and grumpy!! Just after this Ciro and I had to become the transport back to the car

Enough!!!! NO more pictures!!!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Tomb sweeping vac days

Don't know where these past few days have gone. We went to the art museum (one of your favourite places) on Sunday. It was just supposed to be a "let Dylan burn off some energy" stop before heading to the supermarket for groceries. Turns out Dylan decided otherwise. usually when we go to the art museum we run around outside, take a walk through the museum and end up having a waffle and coffee. We were heading back to the car after his run when he pulled us into the museum, looked at one of the works., pulled us to the elevator. We hit the button for the second floor...just wanting to see what he would do. He walked into the coffee bar, sat on the chair and waited. So that was it we had to have a waffle. He sat so nicely throughout this (probably because it was his idea) and ate a whole quarter to himself!
We went to play at Ivo's this morning. Lots of fun always and baby Burl is getting bigger. So cute! On a few occasions Dylan passed something or gave something to Ivo , so happy to see that!!!

We have 4 days off from tomorrow. It is Tomb sweeping day or Qingming festival here tomorrow. Looking forward to the break. Yesterday was a hectic day...i won't go into details. Uncharacteristically i got VERY mad at the hospital where i took Dyan for a hearing test (he is still not talking much and we just want to have him checked) I did not even get in to see the doctor in the end and have decided i will take him to Jen ai (where he was born) because the international patient center there is really helpful and i am sure the whole process will be much smoother.

He loves climbing into things, boxes, containers and in this case his cupboard!!

The running episode...followed by the waffle!!

Just missed the boys standing here dancing (as soon as i got the camera out they stopped)

Burl was all snuggled up in the cutest of outfits!! A chilly day today...this after Dylan got a heat rash on the warming?